Buying Guide for a Tread Mill
Are you picturing a treadmill at your home? When you compare the different types of fitness equipment, treadmills remain the most popular option by far. Here are some reasons why buying the best treadmill for home is a wise investment:
Burn All Your Calories
Treadmills will burn up more calories per hour than any other machine used for exercise. The American Medical Association conducted a study which revealed how vigorous workout could burn over 700 calories compared to 627 for those exercising on stairs and 498 on stationary bikes. Another study was done by the VA Medical center, and the Medical College of Wisconsin reveals how someone exercising on the treadmill for an hour can burn anything between 705 to 865 calories. When compared to other exercise forms, it is more effective than a rowing machine, stationary bike and stair machine.
Dress As You Please
With a treadmill, you have the luxury of working out anytime you see fit. You will not worry if your shorts match your t-shirt or its too ragged. Alternatively, if your sweat pants are shouting too much, you need not worry over creepy eyes.
Workout for Any Duration
It does not feel good when someone approaches you at the gym treadmill and tells you your time is up. On the home treadmill, you have the luxury to go for as long as you please.
Workout Whenever You Please
With your own machine, you can work out anytime you deem fit. You can avoid the long waiting lines back at the health clubs. The same applies to speed while at the gym trying to avoid the rush. Alternatively, you won’t have to walk outside on the dark to access the gym.
Get Into Shape
When you are more at ease, and the exercise equipment is readily available, you will exercise more. In that respect, you can get the body you always desired. It first begins by tightening the buns, toning the abs, saying goodbye to spare tires or a tiny waistline. The options are unlimited.
Spend Your Free Time Wisely
Losing focus at your free time is very common. Imagine going to the gym and losing your mind out of boredom. Ten minutes into your workout and you are already looking at the clock wondering when it will end. With a home treadmill, you can have it set in your living room right in front of your tv so you can watch your favorite tv shows or movies while exercising. Before you know it, you will have done a lot more than anyone else and covered lots of ground in less time.
A simple Exercise Routine
If you do not rank yourself among the muscular aerobic gym regulars, you can start with the home treadmill. Not only is it a simple and easy way to lose shape and weight, many people feel embarrassed about exposing themselves to the gym. This prevents them from enjoying their gym workouts. Home treadmills are easier to use and simple workout solutions for any person regardless of their level of fitness.
Mentioned above are a few benefits of owning your own treadmill. All pointers indicate that owning a home treadmill is on your best interests.…